DISEASE INFORMATION GUIDEATHLETE'S FOOTTinea pedis, or athlete’s foot, is a fungal infection that develops in the moist areas of your feet. An athelte’s foot infection causes itching, stinging, burning, and unsightly mold growth. It is contagious, and closely related to ringworm and jock itch.Method Of TransmissionAthlete’s foot is easily transmitted in moist areas where people are barefoot. Gyms, lockerrooms, athletic facilitied, pools, and medical examination rooms are all potential athlete’s foot breeding grounds. Sharing towels or shoes with someone who is infected can also spread the disease. One instance of Athlete’s foot can lead to the infection of an entire athletic facility. Signs and Symptoms-Itching, stinging, burning feet and/or toes ComplicationsAthlete’s foot can foster an environment where additional bacteria can cause infection. Athlete’s fot fungus can kill weak bacteria, leaving only strong, hardy bacteria to live on your feet. Athlete’s foot can also occasionally lead to an allergic response in which blisters appear on your fingers. TreatmentAthlete’s foot is easily treatable with over the counter drugs and topical creams. While the disease is not life threatening, no one wants to have itchy, crumbly feet. The best way to prevent athlete's foot is shower shoes or making sure your athletic facility has routine decontamination treatments preformed by Bio-Clean of New Jersey! For More Information on How Bio-Clean Can Control Disease Outbreaks,
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