FLU, Seasonal Flu, H1n1, H5n1, and Swine Flu Decontamination
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Call Bio-Clean Today For Seasonal Flu and H1N1 Decontamination

Don't Let H1N1 Close Your School or Business!

This year's Flu season is gearing up to be one of the worst in recent history. Not only is the nation suffering from the Seasonal Flu we all know and hate, but now we have H1N1 to worry about. According to Federal Estimates released in November 2009, Swine flu has sickened about 22 million Americans since April and killed nearly 4,000, including 540 children. Swine Flu spreads incredibly quickly from person to person, especially when people are working or living together in close quarters. One person sick with Seasonal Flu or H1N1 can spread it to everyone he or she comes into contact with.

For CDC Info, Text 'Health' to 87000. www.flu.govWhy risk the health of an entire school or workforce? Why risk having to shut down your business and lose thousands of dollars in profit due to an H1N1 outbreak? Bio-Clean of New Jersey now offers Seasonal Flu and H1N1 decontamination. Our trained professionals will enter your property and dramatically reduce your H1N1 and Seasonal flu problem. Bio-Clean uses a surface safe, non-toxic, broad spectrum disinfectant to kill Seasonal and Swine flu viruses on contaminated surfaces left behind by an infected person. They key to our disinfectant process is our unique delivery system that allows us to quickly and efficiently cover all contaminated surfaces with a decontaminant that safely kills viruses, fungi  and 99% of all bacteria, and statistically lowers your risk of illness. With Bio-Clean’s Seasonal Flu and H1N1 decontamination services, you can keep on teaching, working, and living healthy. Don’t risk health or business, call Bio-Clean of New Jersey today at (856) 307-1051 for more information on the Flu Decontamination Process.